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Home of the Original
LAMA Training

(818) 945-5141
Call us–We’re in the
phone business!

Contact Center Consciousness About MONEY – Make it EASY and Convenient for a better customer experience


CASH!  WOW!  I love that word, Cash.  I love everything about it.  Like MONEY in the Mail.  Cash In and get your prize today! or Would you like Check or Cash?  I’ll take CASH, Please.

Let’s have a better Consciousness about MONEY.  We have an economy, we have goals, we have sales, we have up-selling and cross-selling, but do we have the Consciousness for Success where money is concerned?

The leadership, the trainers, and the coaches need to have a deep sense of “MONEY is a GOOD thing”. The Price is Right! Trainers and teachers cannot teach what they do not experience.  Words don’t matter much.  Words don’t teach, you have heard me say that before.  Experience teaches. PERIOD.  MIC DROP!  OLD mother’s words about money doesn’t hold up.  Learn this and your agents will be trained in how to give up the old story and apply the new one but IT’S UP TO YOU.  So, what do you believe?  Check yourself first.

Here is why it’s important in the Contact Center.  People are always freaking out over money.  Most of them learned the myths about money from their parents.  Here are a couple of things they heard.

  • Money is short.
  • There is never enough money.
  • Don’t carry cash, you may lose it.
  • Money is the root of all evil. Now that’s just wrong. Maybe the LOVE of it is the root…

How about when you’re in the Contact Center, and your agents must talk about the purchase price, the value, […]

Contact Center Consciousness About MONEY – Make it EASY and Convenient for a better customer experience2018-08-14T00:51:19+00:00

How do you say, “Thank You” in LAMA?

Maybe you would like some ideas this year on words and ways to say them, that really acknowledge another person.  When I want to say something wonderful, I usually start blubbering like a baby because, I start to seriously think about what someone means to me instead of taking them for granted.  When I am coaching in a call center and the agent says, “Thank you for calling,” or “Thank you for being our customer,” I always want to thank the Agent for the good job and embellish it.  Most agents find me a little on the corny side, but the wonderful thing is, they GET IT!  If you are teaching Customer Manners, or Company Goals with Customer Affairs or Quality Care, it may be part of your responsibility to listen for how we express our thanks.  I will LAMATIZE a couple of Thanksgiving expressions for you when you are the Coach, the Manager, or the Trainer.  This will start you thinking about how to say “Thanks.”

  1. The Customer asked for something. The agent completed the job. Here is what you can say:
  2. L – This is what you heard…Agent did a nice job and thanked the customer for calling.
  3. A – Corey, you really helped that customer and you did it fast.
  4. M – When we teach etiquette we say the usual things, but you didn’t just say the usual things. You were kinder, you offered even more education if the customer […]
How do you say, “Thank You” in LAMA?2021-03-11T22:17:08+00:00
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