“Our cross sales for January were amazing – they all had a huge increase in their totals! Many of them doubled their totals from previous months. Now we just need to keep the momentum going.”
Godiva Chocolatier
“I felt at ease with this training. I picked up valuable techniques. McKee Consulting was also more than willing to hear other people’s point of view. I left feeling I could do this! The presentation was excellently paced, extremely organized and always demonstrated to be relevant. The role playing exercises were the most effective.”
Modern Postcard
“After your Positive Coach Approach Certification Training, I do feel confident that the Supervisors and Team Leaders can keep the momentum going that we’ve gained over the past 2 years with your Training and On-Going Coaching. If it’s okay with you, may we may reach out to you sometime in the near future for assistance with some of our scripts. I think we have a real opportunity to LAMATIZE some of them!”
High Point New Jersey
“I can’t remember when I have enjoyed learning something new so much! It was an enlightening experience and so much FUN! And you are absolutely right… it is simple but it isn’t always easy. Thanks again!”
CUNA Mutual
“Thank you for helping my team succeed This year. My business finished a record year with 31% growth year-over-year. This has never been done in the history of the training materials business. Our success towards the end of the year had a direct correlation with your LAMA training and Positive coaching. Thank you for an outstanding program and being a part of our success.”
Dupont Training

