
Home of the Original
LAMA Training

(818) 945-5141
Call us–We’re in the
phone business!

Home of the Original
LAMA Training

(818) 945-5141
Call us–We’re in the
phone business!

About webmaster

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So far webmaster has created 27 blog entries.

Anything Can Happen!

I once used this title “Anything Can Happen!” as a Keynote Speech Title where many people came to attend.  Everyone enjoyed the positive message but there were not as many people in the seats as I would have liked.  So, I found a list of Keynote Speech Titles on the Internet and decided to try one.  The title was “Stop the Bleeding!”  and Another one was called “Kill the BAD RAP on (Whatever)” and I used “Telemarketing.”   Here is the interesting part about those titles.

  • The ones that were negative drew more people. We think we are being positive when in fact we kind of love the negativity.  We thrive on fixing things.  We just adore getting into the “HOW” of everything and coming up with answers.  It makes us feel powerful. 

So, I have learned over the years to deliver keynotes that are Motivational, Inspirational, and full of a Positive Message, but the titles that draw more people in are the negative ones.  Nothing is better than an Inspirational Speech, one that moves the molecules around.  But to get an audience into the room requires some thought.  We need a title that will peak their interest and drive them to want to come.  If you doubt me on this, check out all the ads. You will see they reflect this.  Titles like “Three Secret Lies In Business No One Ever Told You” or “Ten Nightmare Things That Can Happen To You!”   You can check out the titles on […]

Anything Can Happen!2021-03-11T22:17:08+00:00

Rules for Making the Customer (and others) “Feel” Loved not just in February but all year round

  1. Remember that Communication is a function of INTENTION – In other words…what do you really want to accomplish on any phone call; inbound or outbound?  Think what your words mean, and say what you mean.
  2. Control the Path of the Call – Never control the person you are talking to, but always control or guide the call to the next place that will demonstrate to your customers that they are more important to you than anything else.
  3. When you want to ask a question – Ask it in a way that shows love, attention, interest, or understanding.  Never ask a question that you need to know for YOU…but ask questions that you need to know to help THEM.  This will never fail you.
  4. Love your Managers as well as your Customers

o   Everybody knows this but often they forget to say it.  Say “Thank you.”  One of my clients gave a bonus to his entire contact center and took them on a trip, paid their way, and paid for their day off while on the trip and out of 100 agents…only 2 wrote a “Thank You” note.

o   Being Grateful is a way of getting rich.  Pam Grout wrote a book called “Thank and Grow Rich.”  This is a play off on the famous book “Think and Grow Rich.”  If you take the time every day to “Count Your Good Actions and the Good Actions of Others” you won’t have time to complain, moan, or groan about things.  The world will react so positively […]

Rules for Making the Customer (and others) “Feel” Loved not just in February but all year round2021-03-11T22:17:08+00:00

INTENTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS  – What the heck does that mean?

First Intention – Then Enlightenment!

This column will be from the heart of Judy McKee the trainer.  Every month, I will have some lesson I learned in the Contact Center or life and share it with you.  Of course, you are under no obligation to follow and do what I do, but this is how the L-A-M-A Training got started.  I simply tried to do what works and drop what doesn’t work.  That’s all great to say but not as easy to do.  FIRST, you discover what isn’t working and tell the truth about it.  I discovered that negativity didn’t work and yet it seemed to be the strongest vibration we have.  If you say you had a bad day, and describe your bad experiences; it just doesn’t work for happy relationships.  Let’s find out what works and do that.

INTENTIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS  – What the heck does that mean?2017-01-04T04:57:11+00:00

Don’t Fight Your customers on the Way Out – Part 2

Empowering Your Customers by Asking the Right Question!

Judy and her team continued to work with the agents to help determine the cause of the customers’ rejection. Agents quickly had the answer (as they often do) when they told her that the customers were irritated at being asked why they wanted to cancel. Some customers even said, “It’s none of your business, just cancel.” It is a standard opening question in most call centers, and yet, it undoubtedly puts the customer on the defensive. “Why do you want to close your account?” or “What didn’t you like about the product?” may seem like decent opening questions but really causes the consumer to ‘put up their dukes.’ It was clear that the company had asked the wrong question. But how do we fix it? How do we find out why the customer wants to cancel without asking, “Why”?

The answer is to simply ask them about what caused their consideration, their choice, or what made them choose to opt out. We recommend an opening question like “May I ask what led you to your decision today?” This question gives serious importance to the customer’s right to choose. It empowers the consumer and opens a dialogue that will often reveal clues on the underlying reason for the cancellation. The approach does not just throw money or an offer at the customer. Instead, it acknowledges their choice to choose us.

Judy recently had a wonderful opportunity to work with a company that sold […]

Don’t Fight Your customers on the Way Out – Part 22021-03-11T22:17:08+00:00

Don’t Fight Your customers on the Way Out – Part 1

Round 1 – Ready to Fight?

Calling to cancel your membership or return a product? Put your boxing gloves on, it’s time to fight. It can be stressful these days when calling an 800-number to end your subscription or to return a product. As a call center savvy consumer, I know the representative/retention specialist on the other end of the phone is about to do his or her best to convince me to keep the service or product. Here comes the script, here come the offers, and that typical bad question, “Why do you want to cancel your service?” Ultimately, it is my decision, and yet, I am about to face someone over the phone who will attempt to talk me out of it.

Having built and trained world-class call centers over the years, and as customers, Judy and I have both encountered countless examples of how companies actually fight their customers as they are trying to close or cancel an account or return a product. Far too often scripts are written that unintentionally make our customer feel ‘wrong and stupid’, putting them on the defensive and more eager than ever to cancel. It is a challenging task to train your retention representatives to think in a new way, one that makes customers ‘right and smart.’

When did it become wrong for customers to change their minds? When did it become a fight with the consumer when they simply want to say, “No thanks”? Our representatives are really between a rock […]

Don’t Fight Your customers on the Way Out – Part 12021-03-11T22:17:08+00:00

Book Writing Rules for Coaching Book by Judy McKee and Expert Coaches Worldwide

CoacJudy Cartoonhes and Trainers Write a BOOK!

We are all going to write a book about training and coaching in the Call/Contact Center.  I will set up a rules page with timelines and goals. Write to me at my business e-mail if you wish to submit a page.  Look up my profile and you will find my contact information.  I am in the phone business.  We will, for the time being, call it Coaching and Training 101.  Every page will have a different idea and the book will be segmented into several parts.  Training Ideas, Coaching Ideas, Forms, and Mental Makeovers for Contact Center Trainers and Coaches.  What fun we will have.

Send me your information so I can e-mail you the rules for the Book on Coaching.  I have 23 people so far who wish to contribute.  I think we need about 100 people.  (Not that I can’t fill in the other pages.)  If we don’t get 100, we will do it with the people we have.  I need a place to e-mail you updates and rules. Let me know your contact; mine is Judy McKee  760-738-8200  judym@mckeeconsultingllc.com

  1. Please Read the Book NOTES Rules
  2. You may submit more than one idea…read the instructions.
  3. 2016 Book Notes LinkedIn Coaches

I am inspired by all of you.  Please send me your personal e-mail links so I can write to you.

  1. When you send in what you […]
Book Writing Rules for Coaching Book by Judy McKee and Expert Coaches Worldwide2021-03-11T22:17:08+00:00

ASK Maureen – Coaches Corner – Fix Push Back

Coaches Corner – Maureen Tzouris PCA Coach Speaks Volumes

Branding Issues and offer-3Agents Push Back!

Dear Maureen, Our company recently went through a corporate restructuring and have installed new compliance requirements. We are now requiring all the agents to brand the company at the end of their calls and this is receiving some push back from the agents. Do you have any suggestions?  ~We-love-our-brand

Thank you so much for your question! This scenario is actually quite common and is experienced by many managers and coaches. First, I would suggest setting some clear expectations so that all agents understand what is being asked of them. Secondly, I would suggest holding small breakout training sessions to include some suggestions on what and how exactly the agent can say to close every call with the branding, perhaps to include role playing. And, lastly– I would recommend sharing this information from the ‘three party promise’ perspective–this is where the company, the customer, and the agent all WIN!

I would explain that:

1) the company would like to brand the close because they are confident that their customers have all been completely satisfied during the call and want to extend and build upon the good faith practices.

2) The customer or member will feel confident that the agent cares about all of their concerns and questions and was handled professionally! (We’re in this together!)

3). The agent can take pride in themselves because they will sound much more professional, well […]

ASK Maureen – Coaches Corner – Fix Push Back2021-03-11T22:17:08+00:00
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