1. Remember that Communication is a function of INTENTION – In other words…what do you really want to accomplish on any phone call; inbound or outbound?  Think what your words mean, and say what you mean.
  2. Control the Path of the Call – Never control the person you are talking to, but always control or guide the call to the next place that will demonstrate to your customers that they are more important to you than anything else.
  3. When you want to ask a question – Ask it in a way that shows love, attention, interest, or understanding.  Never ask a question that you need to know for YOU…but ask questions that you need to know to help THEM.  This will never fail you.
  4. Love your Managers as well as your Customers

o   Everybody knows this but often they forget to say it.  Say “Thank you.”  One of my clients gave a bonus to his entire contact center and took them on a trip, paid their way, and paid for their day off while on the trip and out of 100 agents…only 2 wrote a “Thank You” note.

o   Being Grateful is a way of getting rich.  Pam Grout wrote a book called “Thank and Grow Rich.”  This is a play off on the famous book “Think and Grow Rich.”  If you take the time every day to “Count Your Good Actions and the Good Actions of Others” you won’t have time to complain, moan, or groan about things.  The world will react so positively it will seem like magic…Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo.

  • “Think NOT what your country can do for you…but think what can you do for your country.” JFK

o   An old saying that bears repeating.  Ask yourself these questions: How can I support my Customer?  How can I support my Manager?  How Can I support my Associate?  How can I support my company?  Then…Watch what happens!  Yes, you can write me and tell me all about it.

  • Example: I was preparing to pay for the movie tickets for myself and a friend of mine because she was down at heel, low on funds, and a little depressed.  When she found out we could get in on this special day for only $5 each…she bought the tickets.  I let her do it because she proclaimed it made her feel so good to give to me.  Now that’s how it works.  She feels good because I didn’t buy the tickets.  Her self-esteem went up and mine did too.  We need to allow others to give to us some times. Right?
  • That’s Judy’s take on things this month.